OK boys and girls, here's some quickies for ya...(there really isn't anything but baseball goin on right now, so seeing as we're Pirate fans, we obviously don't have much to talk about...)
Here's the most recent rumors involving the Pirates. It names the usual suspects; Bay, Nady, Marte, Wilson and Grabow, but it also makes mention that alot of GM's are mad because we're not giving up our players for next to nothing like we have in the past.
And on that note, here's Frank Coonelly discussing his opinion on the subject. Personally, I think it's nice that for once we actually have good players who want to stay in Pittsburgh. If we don't get what we want for them, screw it, we'll keep them. Although that does make getting starting pitching that much more difficult...
Will he stay or will he go?
And speaking of pitching, thank you Paul Maholm for being the only real starting pitcher on this team - if it weren't for you, we certainly would have been on the other end of last night's 8-2 victory over the Astros. Hey now, watch out, we're only 8 games below .500, who said the Bucs were dead? (Oh that's right, everybody)
Now something we can all agree on - THANK GOD Steelers training camp is almost here. Check this out before headin to camp so you don't look like a fool in the middle of Latrobe.

Go Steelers
The Pens resigned Jeff Taffe to a one year deal, and also inked forward Jonathan Filewich and Paul Bissonnette to deals. They may not be big names, but Taffe will be a nice role player and those other two bums are nice back up plans to have in the minors - but certainly don't look for any of them besides Taffe to be with our beloved Pens come the season opener...
And finally, since I know you all care so much, I'd like to thank lovely Crystal's on the Strip for hostin my lil birthday bash Friday night - it was great times, better people, and the best cheery bombs around. So make sure you go down there and tell them Snack sent ya; it prolly won't get ya anything but who knows, maybe I'll get a free shot out of it.
Until lata, when we'll have a pre-training camp post that will knock your socks off...