I was at the Pirates game last night against the Yankees and I will admit it was fun to watch a baseball game that actually felt like it meant something (even though it didn’t).
Highlights included hearing the “over-rated” chant every time Derek Jeter took bat (yes we are haters here in Pgh), hearing the “home-wrecker” chant when A Rod was up (also seeing people dressed as Madonna in blonde wigs), and seeing all the Yankees jerseys, hats, and shirts. I also noticed a lot of Red Sox jerseys throughout the crowd (3rd largest crowd in PNC Park history) I am assuming people did this to mess with the Yank’s fans? Who knows?

We were in his head
Manny Sanguillen is arguably the greatest all-time catcher in Buc’s history, and he also makes some pretty mean BBQ at PNC Park. I have been to many Pirates games, but last night was the first time I hit up Manny’s BBQ. I was impressed; it was a pretty good burger. Also, Manny was even posted up right there in line signing autographs and kissing babys (all while looking drunk as ever)

On to today's links...
Well two days ago nobody in New York knew who in the hell Nate McLouth even was. Thanks to his game winning two run jack against the Yankees last night McLovin is almost certain to be booed at the All Star game at Yankee Stadium next week.

See yinz in NYC
Aided by 8 innings of well-pitched baseball by starter Paul Maholm the Pirates managed to snap the Yankee’s 4 game win streak last night and also win the three game series against the Evil Empire.

The Bucs "newest" ace...
Tampa Bay Ray rookie Evan Longoria and Brewers sophomore outfielder Corey Hart are the last two players in the All Star game, as voted on by the fans.
Mild mannered, low-key billionaire Stanley Druckenmiller has been all over the news recently because of his reported interest in purchasing part of the Steelers.
All I keep hearing is good things about this guy. (Painting his face at the Steelers games, saving the US Open at Oakmont, etc) This led me to a comparison of another billionaire industrialist none other then Bruce Wayne! Someone find out what Stanley is doing at night.

Is Batman trying to buy the Steelers?
Last night in Arkansas soon-to-be former Jaguars wider receiver Matt Jones was arrested at 1:00 Thursday for felony drug possession when officers “observed him cutting up cocaine with a credit card inside of his Toyota 4 Runner”. Toyota 4 Runner you say, Matt Jones? BALLIN!

Mr Jones, we’ve got the Cincinnati Bengals on line one… and the Dallas Cowboys on line two.
Until lata...