Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dinner Time...

So it looks like J-Lo hasn't been getting fat...yup, she's preggo. And the best part is who spilled it and the sleazy European accent that it had to be spilled in...

It looks like the Pens will be going with Danny Sabourin again on Thursday night. Is Danny just more confident right now or is this the start of a goalie controversy? Stay tuned...

The Flower is a late bloomer...

In the "why the hell is your state slogan Wild, Wonderful" department, West Virginia changed their state slogan back to Wild, Wonderful! Silly, silly bastards...


OG West Virginia residents...

Finally, in the spirit of Halloween, here's a link with Arkansas' star football players in their Halloween get-ups...Funny as hell...

See you all in the mornin', Happy Halloween everyone.

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